Just Pickin

Just Pickin


Exclusive Moments from Just Pickin Wales Weekend | Photo Gallery 

Memories from the Wales Pickin Weekend

A few photo of the Just Pickin North Wales weekend.

Just Pickin Wales 2023 Weekend Highlights

Well what a weekend...great venue and a marvelous turnout of friend's old and new to the first Just Pickin Wales weekend. With your help we raised a total of £864.00 for Pet Rescue Center who have asked us to pass on their thanks to you all. 

A big hand to Carlo for the jam sessions (and his donation of dog food for the Pet rescue centre) and everyone who helped to get this weekend up and running, stewards and admin but most of all the attendee's who made it all worthwhile. 

Thanks to all the pickers who entered our new style scratch band draw (£50.00 cash prize) which was won by the Dave Teague band " Le sac en plastique " with excellent performances from all the other participant's.

We also hold a spring picking weekend in May at the midlands venue as well as the autumn picking weekend, so make sure your on the mailing list to get first option of a ticket as we can already see these becoming a popular events.

You can add your email to the mailing list at https://www.justpickin.com/mailing_list_feedback.html

After many questions and enquiries "yes" we do own the marquees used at the event..this shows our commitment to keep our picking weekends alive and kicking ...if you wish to hire one contact admin@justpickin.com.

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